In The 10 Commandments of Not Falling for Women, as the title would indicate, I gave 10 basic rules that single men who are in the trenches of their personal expansion could incorporate when dealing with women romantically so as not to get wrapped up in what can become a vicious cycle of a females dominance over his life.
In my 9th commandment I cautioned men: Do Not Accept Unacceptable Behaviors, meaning don’t give room for behaviors, lifestyles and attitudes from women that could cause you to compromise your self-respect, dignity or personal standards. In order to establish and maintain that commandment, I encouraged men to employ both a Two Warning Policy, and a Zero Tolerance Policy.
Now the Two Warning policy specifically means that once you have to warn a woman twice about a behavior, that is causing a negative impact on your dealings with her, then you should strongly consider discontinuing that romantic dynamic with her as two or more occurrences of anything represents a pattern and patterns quickly become habits. The last thing that you want is a woman habitually doing things against you, towards you or around you that are influencing you to compromise yourself in a negative way to maintain a relationship with her.
The Two Warning principle is to make sure that once you see that her ways are coming to a point where they are exceeding your threshold for what you think is acceptable, to nip it in the bud by way of addressing it with her and allowing her to acknowledge her errors and make changes to keep the door open for progress with further developing a relationship her.
The reason there was room made for a Two Warning Policy is because as you get to know a woman, she may not be aware of the seriousness of certain things that she’s doing that you aren’t willing to put up with based on her background and her experiences with other men. You may not see certain traits of hers initially but a certain point in the interaction with her you will see things of serious concern come out of her, so the two warning policy allows her to have a chance to get it right: so long as her ways aren’t considered completely unacceptable. And that’s where in that same 9th commandment, I included The Zero tolerance Policy.
The Zero Tolerance policy means that for some things, she’s got one time to do certain things and its over, right there on the spot permanently. These are things that you’re not going to look past even once.
As I’ve gotten older, I’m becoming even less and less tolerable of certain behaviors, actions and attitudes, finding myself incorporating the Zero Tolerance Policy dramatically more often than I would have in my younger years and it’s mostly because I see the damage that can be done without instituting it.
If you let her ways fester, it will cause an infestation of wickedness in your life. Her attitude and negative attributes will reproduce themselves within every area of your life and eventually become a like a bad infestation of bed bugs. All it takes is one bed bug to enter your home and if left untreated, it’s possible that 1 can turn into hundreds of these parasites that will get into your clothes, your bed, your furniture and other areas of your home, making your life a living nightmare.
This video reinforces the criticalness of The Zero Tolerance Policy, specifically in relation to parts of her character that are dishonorable, disrespectful and harmful.